i. Mar Thomas Tharayil :

 Till his death in 1975 Bishop Thomas Tharayil, the Founder, took personal interest in the spiritual, and apostolic  formation of the members as well as in the overall growth and development of the Institute. He gave them spiritual exhortations and classes regularly. He sent a good number of members for professional studies and training in the medical field in India and abroad so that they good effectively discharge the apostolate of the service of the sick. Already in 1957 he let Mary Kalappurakal  take a promise of consecration before him and sent her to Germany for medical graduation in view of  her later service in India as a member of Institute.

The following houses were started during the episcopate of Bishop Tharayil

 Caritas Secular Institute Thellakom,Caritas Polytechnic School for Girls Mannamala,and Mercy Bhavan Alex Nagar  .



ii. Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry (1928-2017): 

In founding the Caritas Secular Institute Bishop Thomas Tharayil used to consult Rev.Fr. Kuriakose  Kunnacherry, at that time doing his Doctorate in Canon Law in Rome, and he considerably  helped the Bishop to concretely articulate and work out the canonical requirements of erecting a Secular Institute.

On May 8,1965 Rev.Fr. Kuriakose  Kunnacherry was appointed by the Bishop as the spiritual Director of Caritas Secular Institue.  From that time onwards as well as during his episcopate, Bishop Kuriakose Kunnacherry used to give regular spiritual instructions and guidance to the members. He also took great interest in sending the members for higher training in various disciplines and was instrumental in the overall growth and apostolic expansion of the Institute especially to Germany. During his time the Institute made great strides in the apostolate of the service of the sick, social apostolate, parish apostolate, family apostolate etc.

In the year 1986 the revised  Constitution and Rules  of  the Caritas Diocesan Secular Institute for Women was approved by Bishp  Kuriakose Kunnacherry.(Decree No.17B/86)

In the year 2002 the Constitutions of the Caritas Secular Institute, its Directory and Ratio Studiorum were provisionally approved for three years by Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry.

The following houses were started during the episcopate of Bishop Kunnacherry,

Maria Bhavan Thellakom,Thaibusa S.H.Mount,Uraha Bhavan Payyavoor, Kanthis Samkranthy,Haus Marianthal West Germany,Caritas Institute Hostel Kannur,Shalom Hostel Caritas,Soubhagya Old age Home Peroor, Caritas Study House Bangalore.Caritas Bhavan Kanhangad



iii. Mar Mathew Moolakkatt: 

The revised Constitution and Directory of the Caritas Secular Institute was promulgated by Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, the present Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Kottayam, on December 1, 2008, with effect from 1st January 2009 (Decree : Apb147/2008).

The Institute has received great encouragement and guidance in the fields of the apostolate of the sick, social apostolate, parish apostolate, family apostolate and educational apostolate.

The following houses were started during the episcopate of Bishop Moolakkatt 

Sinai Peroor, Caritas Secular Institute Chamakala, Caritas Secular Institute Muttam.Caritas Secular Institute Kattappana.


iv. Mar Joseph Pandarasseril 

Mar Joseph Pandarasseril, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Kottayam, gives us great support and invaluable helps for the Institute, especially in its various apostolic services in Malabar.

Newly build Mercy Bhavan Alex Nagar is Blessed by Mar. Joseph Pandarasseril in 8th September 2019.